I finished up CED13-7, still working with the peacock motif, added a little more color to this one and started to branch out into dealing with the background a little, via some paint splatters and drips. I would like to keep working with a similar image this week, maybe cut out the figure and add her onto a collaged background, stamp some on the surface or even add some actual peacock feathers...lot's of possibilities. I am continuing with the idea of a dark-haired girl with tattoos, will keep that for the entire series.
And I kind of want to paint peacock feathers now..uh-oh...I sense another side project! ...spent it exactly how I wanted. Had fun with today's piece, working with a peacock theme in the tattoo...might explore that further in my daily pieces this week...
...also hope to post the final pic of my first 'weekly' piece tomorrow, working a little larger for these pieces... ...have small sketchbook I need to complete and get mailed off this week... ...and still working on trying to get my work out there, hoping that there is a niche for what I create as an artist...it's all I know how to do... it is so nerve racking to ask folks to look at your work. It's like telling them some secret, baring your soul...then holding your breath while you wait for their response. That's all for tonight, feeling a little discouraged but I am going to keep on making my art because that is what I do. Finally, now that my Christmas break is just about over...I was able to sleep in. I usually wake up early, no matter how late I stay up, so it felt like a small accomplishment this morning that I was able to just rest. Then...it was right to work! I missed the last Project Runway All Stars, my favorite show right now, so I caught up on that and started my daily drawing. After that I started watching 'Art Star', pretty good. All about following a group of recent MFA grads as they move to NYC and try to make it in the art world, with the goal of showing at Art Basel. Not one of these glossy reality shows, more documentary style. Watching the judges meet in what surely was a painting studio at the Chicago Institute of Art, those tall ceilings, metal easels caked with paint, paint stained floor...made me miss art school. And it was very compelling to listen to some of them as they talked about their work, some more articulate than others...as I was sitting there on my couch drawing a wide eyed lady...thinking to myself...I just like to draw these pretty ladies, with big eyes. Not trying to make any huge social statement, just...making...what I want. And I don't feel bad about that at all. ...as I sit here, I honestly can't remember what I did the rest of the day. Wow. After a failed attempt at a nap with my 'nap crew', I just gave up and headed out to downtown Lake Worth to support my Art Hive gals...here are the pics; Tomorrow...many things on my agenda...my daily piece (of course!)...another piece for the Bee52 Art Challenge... maybe some fashion illustrations...creating a cheer newsletter for the upcoming week...getting my own personal calendar figured out...maybe looking into a few art shows...prepping my materials for the art licensing inquiries...maybe some laundry...and a nap.
We will see how much I get done...maybe I will forget about all of that and just enjoy my last day before I go back to school. Nah. The big project that I have immersed myself in, causing me to literally forgo sleep...DONE! But first...here is what went down yesterday... So, going to be quick about this because my hands/wrists are killing me and I still have a drawing waiting on me...I took on the task to create a 50 page document that would showcase the artwork I created in 2012. I counted and I think there are actually over 550 pieces of artwork in the document. Craziness. Absolute madness. And, well...the document is done. I was able to post it in a digital magazine format using http://issuu.com, a site I learned about from my AMAZING friend Jess. It was super easy to use, and now I have ideas for other side projects...oh geez... I also spent the vast majority of the day working on an inquiry letter and tear out sheets to send to some art licensing companies...fingers crossed. A girl can dream... Here is the document I worked so hard on, enjoy! When I taught Legislator's School in NC back in the day, I remember one of the other faculty would always tell the kids, Don't hoot with the owls if you can't soar with the eagles.' Turns out, it is a pretty well known quote by Hubert Humphrey. The kids would want to stay up all night and were dragging the next morning... My point? Well, last night...I started hootin'...got a late start because I was feeling very distracted, working on several things at once, but then around 11pm I finally sat down to work on my first piece for the new year. So, it's around 12am by now and...why yes, it is the perfect time to start the document that I had the idea to create that would showcase all of my work from 2012, kind of a year in review or a catalog of my works for the year. Hoot, hoot. No sleep til Brooklyn. And, well...my friend Jessie was up working on the final details for the next issue of Art Hive Magazine (which is going to be AMAZING by the way because my girl Jess is so super talented!) ...and...well...I can't let my friend stay up alone, right? So it came to pass that two grown woman, one in Palm Beach Gardens and one in Wellington stayed up all night, both working on their respective computers and sending the occasional text, 'are you still awake?'...assurances that yes, we were both in this together, two owls up all night. Hoot, hoot! Felt like art school again and I kind of liked it. So, just didn't go to sleep. I worked on my document up to about 50 pages, still need to go through and edit it and tweak some things before I reveal it...but it is almost done. But I wasn't ready to go to sleep, too wired. So I decided to go and watch the sunrise, and draw. (of course) Awesome morning at the beach, a little chilly so I wore a sweatshirt, but not windy, which has been the problem the last few times. The sunrise? Amazing. Worth staying up all night for. I started my second piece for the new year but didn't finish. So I was able to hoot with the owls and soar with the eagles after all! Before I headed back I left an angel painting and posted an announcement on my social media pages...I sure hope that someone found her! I did this the other day at the Barnes and Noble I frequent, left an angel painting. I still have some left, hoping to leave them all around until they are all gone. Maybe I will make more. I just hope that someone will find my painting and it will brighten their day. The note reads, 'if you find this angel painting then it's yours!'...and it really is : ) I did finally go to sleep around 8:30...but I woke up again 3 hours later, restless. I cleaned and organized frantically all day, then sat down to finish up my daily piece, CED13-2 that I started this morning. And now...I am blogging. Trying to decide if I want to sleep for an hour or two before the gym or just keep going...not sure.
Maybe I should sleep for a bit...in case the owls are out again tonight! Must...start...first...art...of...2013! But I am going a little crazy right now, slightly distracted by everything...might have been the coffee...created weekly art challenge for 2013 (see below)...working on a 'year in review' document of my work from 2012 to showcase what I made and also to be used for a goal I set in 2013 (maybe I will blog about that at a later date, I a too scared/excited about it right now!)...and at some point I really have to unpack and clean... So...uh...here is my thought process..hear me out... I am committing to the Creative Every Day Challenge again for 2013. It really helped me get off my bootie and start making art. I enjoyed being a part of a larger group of artists with the same goal- to be creative every single stinkin' day. I am gonna do it again. Per usual Jenny-style, I will be creating one piece per day within a monthly theme. I checked and the theme for this month is 'dark'. Hmmmm...dark, huh? I have some thoughts milling around in my head but I won't know where I am going to go with this until I sit down with my paper...so we will see what happens. In addition to the CED Challenge, I will be hosting a 52-week challenge via Art Hive Magazine called the BEE52 Art Challenge. This will be seperate from the CED Challenge. For me, I will still work within a (separate) theme, but I will allow myself to work a little bit at a time, without the (self-inflicted) stress of creating a daily work. Some thoughts I have had for this include focusing on specific artists for the month...or getting back to my fiber-work...or maybe some collaborations... ...and...I still want to continue with my fashion illustrations...I can't stop. I love them too much.
At some point I will also be teaching art, coaching cheerleading...and my cheer judging season is starting...ummm...it's gonna be busy. Very, very, busy. And I can't wait! 2013 has arrived!! |
AuthorArtist and Art Teacher