A little frustrated. Just typed out my final blog post for this month's work...and...through the magic of the internet...it disappeared. Sigh. What did I say? I think it was an inventory/rambling of sorts...Ummmm…I am finished with my CEDs for this month- all 29 pieces...Something about completing 17 small, mixed media figurative pieces that incorporated the hear t theme…1 Self Portrait in acrylic on wood panel with all kinds of embellishments added….and various bejeweled flip flops, disco balls, heart shaped boxes and other fun things along that way. I think that was it. Here are some pics from this evening; (below) ...and a fun little slide show that shows the various works from the month, finished and in-progress. I created art at home in my studio area in the kitchen, on my couch, at school, at Jessie's house, on planes, in airports, on the judges stand…anywhere I could. One thing I did not do was do a good job organizing all of my pictures. It is late…just gonna leave them in whatever order they are in...yeah, there are some duplicates...ugh...must...sleep... ...make sure your volume is up so you can enjoy the music : )
....ummmm....so I have my CED's...working on them since I make them in layers...caught up through today but the posting is a bit of a mess...will take time to post individually...hopefully tomorrow if I get a chance...pic below shows the February self-portrait I started today, it is on wood panel, which is new for me and I am really excited...definitely going to add some sparkle to this one...pic started in sketch form (pic 1), and is now in the first layers of painting (pic 2)...the next picture (3) shows my in-progress CEDs...and the final pic (4) is one of the completed ones.
Also in the works...might be helping to start a children's art program with a local artist's league. Had a meeting today, lot's of possibilities...very exciting! How does it always end up being so late? Sigh. Gotta get some sleep, busy day of teaching art tomorrow! feeling inspired.. ...fortunate to have some guests from back home visit us this weekend...still made time for art...whole lotta bling going on...and a few of my pieces have a new home in North Carolina...
this week, er...what's left of this month actually...focus is on Marcell's commission, an acrylic painting...then Paul's commission, pretty sure I am going to go with graphite and watercolor...finishing up the CED's I started, expect sparkle...and my self portrait for the month of February...and...oh yes, my full-time teaching gig...another busy week! Random Scenes from the ANE show...guess which one of us is 'Love Struck' and which one is 'Love Sucks'? ...and...at long last...the CEDs from this week...gotta re-photograph in better light...
So...tomorrow it is then. Another ANE Show...Jessie and I will drag our wares and assorted sparkly decorations back to Respectables for another evening of creating with just a really great group of people. Brief digression... ...being a part of these events is motivating for me. It gives me additional motivation each month and forces me to look at my own work in a new way. I get to hang out with my fellow Tipsy Girls, Jessie and Sofia...and just be a part of a really cool event with a group of talented artists. I am so tired the days before and after the event...but I can deal with the lack of sleep to making art,totally worth it. Ok...just had to get that out. So...I, uh...made many, many, many pieces of work that I will have at the show. One reason is that the way I chose my CED theme for the month was to include pieces that I could use for this event...and who doesn't like hearts during February, right? And I have a few pieces that I will be working on at the event...a few figurative pieces...some CED's...shown below; ...behind the scenes on the eve of the show...
My husband before lunch today. He said, get that Etsy side made...and I did. So it's official. I have an Etsy shop. For real. I sat down and did it. Now, all I have posted is the CEDs from last month. So if you visit the site it is a bunch of shoe madness...but it is a start. Twenty-four items posted, right now at three different price breaks. It's live. It was tough to get started. ...ummmm...will it sound lame if I admit that I was just kind of scared? Makes me think of this quote from a speech by Nelson Mandela written by Marianne Robertson; "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? ...There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. ...It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." It is scary to put your work out there. But you know, if folks don't like it they just won't buy it...and somebody else will come along that appreciates my point of view and will want the work. It is scary to think about failure..but success, or the potential for it, is just as frightening. Another thing that was tough...making the decision for prints versus originals. Maybe I will go to prints one of these days. I did make some for the last ANE show and some sold. But in my gut I just can't get away from wanting to put the original work in the hands of the people that want it. So for now, the work on my Etsy shop is all original...not just my own ideas...but the actual piece of art. You can see where my hands have touched the work. That felt like the right thing to do...along with keeping the prices affordable. I just have to make the art, to get it out of my head and onto the paper, or canvas, or cloth...whatever. I just make it and once it is out there as long as I have a photograph of it I don't mind sending it out into the world. So...it was a very busy, beautiful day. From drawing way up in the sky on my way back to Florida...to a meeting with a client for an upcoming commissioned portrait...to an awesome lunch and afternoon in downtown Lake Worth with my amazing husband.. my cup runneth over. Regrettably...all of this excitement will not turn back the clock to give me more time to sleep. (Sigh) |
AuthorArtist and Art Teacher