How's that for a grabber? And yes, it is NOT grammatically correct. (Rosie, Tupac and I just sounded so formal) Note...this really did happen... " am feeling a little retro this morning, and i channel my inner rosie the riveter, tie a red bandana and i am off to teach, feelin' pumped. ...i get to school. two kids say to me, 'mrs. g, you look like tupac!' on the least tupac is still relevant...and i think this means i might have some street cred. feelin' pretty tough." True story. Good day...busy day. Had a chance to meet with my art teachin' colleagues which always gets me even more excited about teaching art, as if that were possible. And then...I bypassed my nap to run all over town looking for green and orange knee socks (don't even ask, it is cheer related)...was only able to find the green socks... boo.
And then...artin'. Today's chica, #242, continued with the bee motiff, but not quite as literally. I took away the completed bee image in favor of bee wings at the eyes, under layers of drips and runs, and used the striped patter on the lips to mimic the stinger. Just an idea I had...may develop it more tomorrow or just start something totally different. I never know. One thing I did realize...two more days left...gotta get on that August self-portrait asap...I do have an idea for that BUZZING around in my head....(insert nerdy laugh) Yeah, I went there. Maybe it is the lack of sleep.
![]() ...awww man...not again... ...woke up to a pretty crazy storm...then it was pretty nice all day...then...I saw this dark sky looming in the distance.... typical coping mechanism...nap. But my nap was interrupted... by a connection I made at the beginning of summer...that is going to make some pretty cool things happen for Art Hive and Tipsy Art...but not to be revealed at this time. Hee, hee! ![]() My raw logo image Let's just say if I skipped a nap then you know it's something exciting! Then...cleaned. Like some kind of crazy woman. Really. When I do get the cleaning bug, everyone runs for cover- cats, husband...they scatter. I was a whirlwind of sweeping, mopping, dusting, sorting, washing was intense. Luckily John wasn't home so he missed out on my raging cleaning spree, but will be happy to see the results. And...ahem, clearing throat. I cooked. I used the stove, I wore my apron- it was the real deal. It was just pizza, but I did make it myself. This really happened. Then..revamped the header on my FB page so that my marketing will be a little more cohesive...or at least so it goes with this here blog a little better...guess John's Phd learnin' is rubbing off on me.Then, made a logo using my initials that my friend Jess is going to work her vertorizing magic on...and then I made art...#241 to be exact. It's back to school tomorrow...but it's also a half day, YES! ![]() Top- Beeline Hwy, Bottom- PGA Blvd Remember that big ol' tropical storm? Yep, Isaac. Well, saw him today in Indiantown. Yeah, we had school, and he came to IMS to see us. Sigh. It was a stressful day, periods of extreme weather- so bad that we had to hold classes because even walking under covered walkways on our own campus was risky. Water leaks throughout the school, sqeaky sneakers, wet bookbags and pants. Blah. So...that is going on throughout the day..and then there was the drive home, which I was really dreading. The weather wasn't bad until I crossed over the Palm Beach County line, then the rain and winds were baaaaaaaack. But the thing that worried me the most...the rising water on either side of Beeline Highway- my route to work. Both sides of the road...water was creepin'...and then once I turned onto PGA, I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking I was in the clear- I actually had two portions of the road to cross that were flooded. Not cool. My litte Honda was not made for this. You could imagine how relieved I was when I got the email that school was cancelled tomorrow due to flooding and damages. I know, or I at least hope, that the weather will in fact be better...but I don't want to mess around with flooding. No sir. Came home...passed...out. Seriously, I think I had been stressing about the weather all day, the drive to school, being trapped at school, thunder, lightening, my students possibly walking home or riding the bus in this coping mechanism? You guessed it- nap. Woke up, made some art. (#240, shown below) Guess I will do the same tomorrow...but looks like now I have all day. And no reason to go out to any flooded roads. Yay! ![]() What you can't see is that it is raining sideways! say that John and I started to go a little stir-crazy today...that would be an understatement. This weather is driving both of us crazy. We did make one trip out to get lunch, got completely soaked and agreed that this would be the one and only trip outside today. Folks, it is that bad outside. Rain, wind...periods of really crazy rain and wind...that was what today was like. Real nasty outside. But, I guess it could be worse. ![]() Nap club founding members. I realized today that my coping mechanism for this weather was sleeping. I am talking lot's of sleep. And I wasn't alone. Mackie and Scooter, our cats, they are always down to nap. So we did. We napped, woke up from our nap and then napped some more. Perfect for poopy weather days. Then it was time to wake up and make some art, so I did, and here it is (below), CED #239, created while the winds were howling outside and the palm trees swayed, sheets of rain hitting the windows, me checking my phone every few minutes to see if school is closed ain't. (For any students reading this, see kiddos- teachers hope for days off, too!) Well, better get some sleep so I can be alert to drive in this mess tomorrow morning. Goodnight! ![]() Rain, rain, go away. For real. Rain. Wind. And more of the same. Sigh. Could be worse. So last night I started piece #238...and didn't finish it, went to bed...hence the title, ' A little BEEhind.' Per usual, I woke up this morning way too early and finished this one up. I did another 'bee' related piece. I figured I might as well. Might make today's work bee-related as well, not sure. I was referencing a picture I saw in a catalog, pretty model looking over her shoulder...looking at it today with fresh eyes I realized it is the exact same pose as the one from the day before, inspired by the Art Hive mock-up. Funny. I posted the pics of the work in progress below, the first image was taken late last night and the rest, including the finished piece, taken today. And now...going to put on my favorite sweatshirt that my husband hates (it is SO comfortable, I seriously love it)...maybe watch something on tv...take a nap...and at some point start #239... No...uh...why do you ask? (furiously lint rolling and shooing away Mackie and Scooter)
![]() Word is on the street that the hurricane won't be coming to these parts...but we will get lot's of rain and just general poopy weather. It's always so sunny here in South Florida that when it isn't...folks don't act right. We get all twitchy and crazy. It has rained off an on all day and the color outside has varied from light to dark gray with variations of blah. I did make it to the gym (patting myself on the back) I did purchase supplies to make practice bows for my cheerleaders. (mentally checking this off my list) And, well of course, I did take a nap. A two hour nap. (Yay!) When I woke up I went back to the task I started before I left for the gym- August inventory. Yeah, I did say I was going to do a better job this month, update my inventory as I made each piece...never happens. What does happen? Me- sitting with a stack of artwork, labeling the back with the # and date, placing each piece in a bag...looking through my messages and emails to confirm which pieces sold, what was paid, prepping work to be mailed out...stopping periodically throughout the whole process, feeling the stress coming on but trying to push it back. Luckily, rainy days are perfect for getting this kind of task accomplished. And I did. I feel organized again, made contact with the folks that wanted to buy. Yes, calm has been restored. For now. ![]() Absolute.Shameless.Plug. Well, it's finally Friday...or...Saturday. Now it is Saturday, almost 1am. The first full week of school went great but I must admit, I had to take naps every day this week. I try not too, but I know I will be up til 11:30-1ish every night anyway so I might as well sleep a little. I am hoping that I will get more accustomed to the schedule very soon, this is going to be a busy year. Rainy weather here didn't keep me from heading down south to hang out with Jess and Angela, the two queen bees of this whole Art Hive endeavor. I can't believe it sometimes, but it is really happening. The magazine is set to come out in October, with three launch parties already set, Angela and Lady selling ads and making connections, Jess graphic designing her BEEhind off. (sorry, I had to!) And I feel fortunate to be a part of it, my first article already written and turned in to Jess. My articles are going to focus on looking for inspiration, staying motivated...kind of why I started this whole blog here. As for my art for the day, didn't have time to draw with my 5th graders, they were busy finishing up their drawings for the week, selecting their best two drawings and the one that wasn't as successful and writing their explanations for their choices. But I did work on my daily art (#237) here at Jessie's, taking my inspiration from the Art Hive mock-up she designed, well, the first one. This is the same image on the business cards and the website, I figure I see it enough...and I can include a bee so it can go with the images I have been working with this month. And now, time to sleep. I don't think my weekend will include any pool or oceanside drawing...nope, just going to try and stay dry! might be a hurricane a'headed this way?! OMG...this would be my first hurricane since we moved to Florida! I want my mom! Aughhhh!!!! ![]() Deep breaths. Okay, get it together... I sure hope that there is not a hurricane...but just in case, here is my list of items needed to be ready; (right) Yep, I think that is about it, that should help me get through. I just read the list to my husband and he seems to think we might need more food and less sparkly thangs. Better start preparing....fingers crossed that it doesn't come here, GO AWAY ISSAC!!! |
AuthorArtist and Art Teacher