So...started the day off with my final drawing in this 'round' the final piece I zeroed in on one eye and contained the image within the circle motif. It felt good to finish up the piece early in the day. Then, after some AMAZING networking with the Art Hive crew, which included a trip down to the printer and then to the Art Institute, I came home and settled down to start working on my July self-portrait, working within the style of my daily pieces for this month. Can't stay up late tonight, I get back to my coaching gig at 10am in the morning...gotta be awake and alert for my team! Will post a fun slideshow tomorrow evening! And...drumroll...I just peeked at the Creative Every Day page... and the theme for'shadow'.
Oh, my. I have no clue what to do. Guess I will figure that out tomorrow!
0 Comments far so good...I might get some extra sleep tonight...(eyes gleaming with hope)...because it is a mere 1am and I am almost done for the day. As predicted, I was up by 7:30...pesky internal, well...what else is a girl to do? Yep, art. I stared CED #212 by the pool this morning then finished it up after dinner. I have my last piece in this series to complete tomorrow...have a few ideas, nothing concrete yet. One thing that I need to monthly self-portrait. I think I am going to complete it in the style of the Klimt-pieces that I made earlier this month. ...another art-related happening... JULY INVENTORY. Some of the chaos that is my art inventory. ...blah. It's my own fault, I really should have been updating the inventory and organizing the photo files as I created each piece...but...well, I didn't. Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda. So this evening I took it upon myself to update my inventory list, create an album of the works on my Facebook page with information regarding size/materials and availability of the work, which I also updated on the CED blog, then prepped some of the 'pending sale' items for shipping. I think I have a better handle on everything now. It was intense, but it's all done for now. Side some bad news this evening. One of my friends from college found out today that she has stage 2, possibly stage 3 breast cancer. She is 32 years old. Today's artwork goes to you, friend. I am putting it in the mail tomorrow, I hope it will help you heal.
Well, it's 2:30am...again. And I am up. Not a problem, had a very productive evening, listening to some good music on Spotify and sharing songs via the interwebs with the infamous Jon Hunt, who I have yet to meet in person...where was I? Yes, 2:30. Again. Which...isn't bad. I could stay up, I think. Problem is...I know that at 7-7:30am by internal clock will scream til I wake up, not able to go back to sleep. Sigh. Well, that's what naps are for. So this morning, as predicted- awake. Tried togo back to sleep...not happening. Then all I kept thinking is...I gotta go to the beach NOW and summer break is fast I did. And I finished up CED # 210 that I started last night and left unfinished. I.heart.sparkle. ...then...back to my various cleaning and organization projects I have been working on... ....distracted by some gems, decided to bejewel some mirrors... ...then back to sorting...then feeling a little stressed so watched 'Hoarders, Buried Alive' for motivation. (Not joking) And finally...worked on CED #211. Done.
And as I finish up this post...I think I am starting to get tired, like it all caught up with me. Zzzzzzzz. I haven't blogged in a few days so here is the craziness as seen in pictures... Wow. What a great day. Headed down south to spend the day artin' with Giselle...who, in addition to being a crafty-lovin' bride (and friend to sparkles and glitter) is also a hair stylist and makeup artist. addition to some yummy Peruvian food, a trip to Michael's, petting a super cute puppy and some quality art time on not one but TWO tables...I even got some color and a cut. Awesome.
The only thing that wasn't great...I just couldn't figure out how to sneak her dog home with me...sigh. Too cute. Oh well... Giselle, I hope you are happy with your art piece, I can't wait to see it framed! And I am heading to Michael's to get the paint for the other project tomorrow!! CED #205, shown in progress (left side) and then the final piece (right) ...ever have one of those days where you just can't focus...and you feel like you are busy...but you are not sure what you are busy doing...but whatever it is takes up your whole day and then you wonder what you did all day? Ummmm....yeah, me neither. Sigh. least I made some art. I slept a full 8 hours. Amazing. Worked on CED #203 some more by the pool, starting to 'break' the circle a bit...will see where this goes...also started #204...then it was time to come in and get ready for a trip down south for some family time. (aka, 'an excuse to eat yummy Italian food')
But I took my art with me. I don't think I have done this before...but I don't think I will ever not have it with me. A sketchbook, something to bead, a little bag with some pencils...something to keep creatin'. After food and family time...brought the two pieces back. I just finished them both up. I work so methodically...start with my pencil sketch in Graphitone...then use water and a brush to soften the lines...then do more drawing with a darker value...repeat at least once...then draw the 'halo'...add watercolor...paint the gold...add glitter...add each individual crystal...every drawing has been done the same way, in this order. I like order and repetition...almost like some kind of armature, or scaffolding in which I can lose myself in the act of making the art. I am rambling. Better call it a to teach an art class tomorrow (THANK YOU to Karen from KNMA for thinking of me to teach this week!) Pop Art is the theme...I am thinking that a Thiebaud cupcake lesson would be great for this group of little ones...I mean, who doesn't love cupcakes, right? Exactly. Side note, I am starting to see my summer ending. Oh well, at least I get to teach ART! Yay! ...will post pic of CED # 203 tomorrow...had fun hanging out at Art Beats, Eats and Treats at Downtown at the sure was hot! Whew!!! More tomorrow...goodnight!
AuthorArtist and Art Teacher