So...if you are reading this, then chances are you might know that this is where I blog about making art every day, as a part of the Creative Every Day Challenge I signed up for last January. I work in a kind of regimented manner, making all kinds of rules for myself as I for me, even though the CED doesn't specify making a piece of art every single day...ummm...I have been. Ya'll..I have made 305 pieces of art. Wait, let me step back...those are just the numbered pieces, my daily works. (told you, crazy rules I make up for myself) Along the way there have been countless other pieces created for shows, commissions...and just because...I would guestimate 40+ 'unnumbered' pieces...oh, and uh...then I realized that I adore fashion illustration last month, so I have made 76 of those... So, that is actually closer to 450 pieces of work. Not kidding. I can't believe it. But now that I have made the commitment to making the art...I can't stop. I feel sick if I can't get to my materials and make a piece, physically ill- stressed out. I need to make this art. This month, the theme is really 'Art Every Day Month'.... Wait a second. That is what I have been doing! Yes! But wait. What will my structure be? Dare I proceed without some sort of theme or guidelines? Here is where I have to be careful, because once I create my 'series' then I feel that I have to stay within it as much as possible. (I am serious) Deep breath. Eyes looking all around for inspiration. Asked the cats, they are no help. John is away at his's up to me. And then...calm. I am going to commit to FASHION ILLUSTRATION for the entire month...and I will just continue with the established numbering system for my fashion illustrations, so the first piece will be #77. And I might make more than one piece a day. It could happen. I am going to give in and just go full speed ahead with this, I can't resist. Another change, I will be adding another blog, specifically for my fashion might even be a whole new url/ much to decide. In the meantime, gotta create that blog...move all the existing pics (or just repost) and also...oh man...gulp... I have to do inventory. I am, like, at least 2 months behind. Not good...that's a whole lotta art! In the meantime, any artists out there...join me this month! Let's make art every single day!!
Why oh why can I not make myself go to sleep before 11pm?
Some pictures of the past two days...'chants for treats' at cheerleading practice, artin' by the pool in my festive Halloween socks and CED #304-305. Still need to finish up my self-portrait for the month...but not tonight. ...stayed after with my IMS Cheer team today and they are so much fun. I am so lucky to have not one, but two great teams to work with! (will remind myself of this when I am going crazy during basketball season!) I took a fun picture of the team as we walked over to the soccer game, everyone jumping...looking at the picture I realized that is kind of how I feel about art, and cheerleading of course...just makes me want to...JUMP from sheer excitement.
I admit it. I neglected my blog. I was...busy. Teachin', Artin', Coachin'...nappin'. All of it. It has been busy. Ok, so that's out. Good news, feeling better! Even better news, we had a half day on Thursday and no school on Friday...I know that we will have to make it up at some point but we stayed safe from Hurricane Sandy here in SoFlo and I got a chance to have lunch with my husband, sleep in on Friday...and work on my Halloween costume for Jessie's awesome party. Sigh. I sure do love Halloween. And I love sequins, and glitter, and handstitching, and sleeping, and dancing, and drawing, and painting, and the beach, and spending time with my husband and our friends...and I got to do all of that. It has been a great couple of days. So...just pics today...feeling a little kiddos are completing their assessments of their big art history projects....prepping for their PowerPoint presentations...had a fun 'throw them bows' party at PBG practice today...continued with the blue and orange craftin' at home...and...completed CED #296...must....sleep!
Alright, just gonna say it. I am a little a fault, when it comes to my art at least. It has been crazy, my brother's accident, me being sick, having all this art lying around in various stages of completion...but one thing that I will say, the way that I organize my work makes me crazy sometimes. I literally stress out if I am working on a series, like, tree series. Okay, so I STRESS OUT if I switch sizes. Seriously. If I get distracted and go off onto a tangent, for instance...the three and five-panel pieces that I just posted tonight...not trees...but a variation of the line work that I used in my stressed me out posting those pics, even though I like how they came just freaked me out that they weren't the literal progression of the trees that I have been working on. Taking a deep breath. Shaking my head at my own crazy neurotic ways. ...and just like that, I let it go. I went with it. I posted the work that I have been working on, even if I did make some works that were multiple pieces...and heck, even if they were not these crazy tree-chicas I have been making. Aside from brother is in good spirits, rollin' around the hospital and really hard on his physical therapy...I went to the Walk to End Alzheimer's on Saturday morning with some of the cheerleaders and it was amazing...and...well, I am feeling a little better, got my voice back for the most part. is a random slide show with a bunch of art, some pics from the walk on Saturday, and my some art time at the beach and then Barnes and Noble this morning. ...the theme for the past two days has been RAIN. My JV gals toughed it out on Thursday, so did I, but threw in the towel after half time and headed home. an obvious brilliant moment of judgement...was sick...out in the rain. Not good. Shoulda listened to my momma.
Tonight...I can't talk. A cheer coach and a teacher that can't talk? Yes ma'm. Oh goodness... Here's to drier skies and hopefully feeling better. And an update on my brother, he is getting stronger every day! Already in rehab and getting around in his wheel chair! (as for my art... I have 11 canvases in progress...two triptychs and another five-panel piece...a a whole mess of now mixed media tree-head ladies to finish and post...) ...still my grades turned in...made a funky blue lady on five canvas panels...embellished a pumpkin...wore my Chargers gear and watched 'em lose their lead and get a big 'L'...worked on the big purple tree lady...made a whole bunch of cheer bows for my teams...yep, teamS...I am coaching cheer at! Yay!
That is what I feel like I did, or did not, accomplish today. On the positive, had a good work out and lunch with the husband...took a decent nap...did catch up on my Project Runways....made a newsletter and emailed that out to my for my art, I guess I got a little bit done, not as much as I wanted.
I wanted to work on the large painting from last night...and I did. Decided to change the colors to purple monochromatic. This piece will go to my friend Giselle when it's complete. I had to figure out a way to paint it with my shoulder still hurting (left shoulder, rotator cuff has started bothering me after painting at the easel for long periods of time) So I decided to paint sitting down on a step stool in front of my piece, turning it upside down rather than life my arm up...still hurts, but not as bad. I should be able to complete this piece in the next day or so, give my shoulder a break. My cheerleaders have a pre-game photo shoot on Wednesday, and of course we need a bedazzled pumpkin. Of course. I started the pre-painting on that tonight, will add the blue and orange paint, then the glitter, then the other msc. embellishments next. Completed three fashion illustrations (#s 71-73) I referenced my Harper's Bazzar. (which is tattered, torn, wrinkled and has watercolor drips on the pages, but I think that is a sign of love) In the New York runway section there were some pics from Victoria Beckham's Fall 2012 collection and the contrasting colors caught my drew some of 'em. One thing I have noticed is that if I attempt to draw the full figure on paper smaller than 18x24 I am more likely to distort the figure, I get stressed because I feel like I am running out of room, so I just keep on drawing and hope that I can make it fit, too excited about the actual fashion to care. I need to get over that and concentrate on the composition, making sure I am using the page and focusing on an accurate figure. Well, accurate according to the elongated, Mannerist-like figures in the fashion magazines. And...still feeling a little like poop. It's worse in the morning and at night. Boo, I don't want to get sick- I have too much to do!! That being said, I should have probably went to sleep about 2 hours ago. Goodnight! |
AuthorArtist and Art Teacher